var B = { Pallete_ccPink :'Ancient pink white', Pallete_ccGold :'Black gold light', ExternalLink :'External link', SitemapUrl :'Sitemap url', Stretch :'Stretch - stretches the image to fill the slide', WebPage :'Web page', WebsiteBuilder :'Website builder', ThePixelHeightOfTheEmbed :'The pixel height of the embed (Min. 70)', EditHtmlCss :'Edit html/css', PhoneNumber :'Phone number', ClickHereToDownload :'Click here to download', BgColor :'Background Color', DuplicateConfirm :'Duplicate this layout', BounceUp :'Bounce up', ShowTutorial :'Show tutorial', ItemsQuantityOnProductsPage :'Items quantity on products page', FlipVertical :'Flip Vertical', HeadersFont :'Headings font', SubCategory :'Sub category', Widgets :'Widgets', DisplayPhoneField :'Display phone field', PrimaryColor :'Primary color', MediaGallery :'Media Gallery', ShoeInRed :'Shoes in red', ContactUs :'Contact us', zoomIn :'zoom in', SearchBox :'Search box', SearchFor :'Search for', DisplayGrayscaleEffect :'Display grayscale effect', NewsTicker :'News ticker', AdaptPluginToContainerWidth :'Adapt plugin to container width', ThePixelWidthOfThePost :'The pixel width of the post', WhatsappNumber :'Whatsapp phone number', SiteLinks :'Site links', Duplicate :'Duplicate', SiteBoxed :'Boxed mode', GoToTheOldEditor :'Go to the old editor', YourSiteWasSaved :'Your site was saved', Jumbotron :'Jumbotron', TextAlign :'Text align', TextColor :'Text color', Footer :'Footer', TheOperationCompletedSuccessfully :'The operation completed successfully', AllSubCategories :'All sub categories', YouNeedUpgradePlanToUseFeature :'You need to upgrade your plan to use this feature', design_panels :'Panels', HoverBgColor :'Hover Background Color', WelcomeToTheNewWebsiteBuilder :'Welcome to the new website builder.<br />To edit your site click on &#34;edit&#34; or select other template from the templates at the bottom of the page.', BgColorVideo :'Video', Seasonal_Fruit :'Seasonal Fruits', Delete :'Delete', Design :'Design', tour_row_desc :'This is a row. <br/>There are several types of rows, for example row with two columns, a row with four columns <br/>For each column you can add one widget, for example, photo gallery, Slideshow and more<br/>In addition, you can drag a row to a different location, specify whether full-width row or area <br/>And can copy row <br/>', Bicycle :'Bicycle', builder_defaultpage_portfolio :'Portfolio', Pallete_ccGreen :'Green pepper', Pallete_ccBrown :'Ground brown white', ButtonTypeOnProductsPage :'Button type on products page', Previous :'Previous', Middle :'Middle', design_default_settings :'Default settings', tour_right_menu_title :'תפריט ימני', WarningColor :'Warning color', LiveStore :'Live', site_template_fullwidthGold :'Full width Gold', SliderFullWidth :'Slider full width', BgType :'Background type', ImageSize :'Image size', Bounce :'Bounce', Bottom :'Bottom', ShowVideoTitle :'Show video title and player actions', Button :'Button', CurrentHeight :'Natural height', DoNotDisplayCartDialog :'Do not display a cart dialog after adding to cart', BorderLine :'Border line', LastNameDisplay :'Last name display', Original :'As is', Center :'Middle', EmailAddress :'Email address', Colors :'Colors', Column :'Column', Pallete_ccBlackDarkRed :'Dark black red', Close0 :'Close', SiteModeTitle :'Site mode', Circle :'Circle', Choose :'Choose', design_tables :'Tables', ChooseSubCategory :'Choose sub category', GrayBaseDec :'For top menu and form inputs background', Advanced :'Advanced', Seconds :'Seconds', Search0 :'Search', NumOfItemsToDisplay :'Number of items to display in page', perspective :'Perspective', RowOptions :'Row options', ConversionCode :'Conversion code', Normal :'Normal', tour_rows_title :'', slideUp :'slide up', Portfolio :'Portfolio', BlogSummary :'Blog summary', DesktopSlides :'Desktop slides', InstagramURL :'Instagram URL', bounceIn :'bounce in', HighlightContactUs :'highlight contact us form with a background', Light0 :'Light', LinkTo :'Link to', Layout :'Layout', TheNumberOfPosts :'The number of posts to display by default', BorderColor :'Border color', SiteNavigation :'Site navigation', WidgetOptions :'Widget options', BackgroundImage :'Background image', BackgroundColor :'Background color', PleaseWaitWhileSavingYourSite :'Please wait while saving your site', AddNewPage :'Add new page', AddNewItem :'Add new item', PageHedaer :'Page hedaer', Products :'Products', TimeZone :'time zone', YouNeedEnterCreditCard :'Please enter a valid credit card ', H1Desc :'The H1 tag is the most important heading because it’s the highest level tag that shows what your specific page is about. Search engines generally give this tag more weight over other headings, so it usually improves your search engine ranking when you use it correctly and in conjunction with other onsite SEO techniques.', BottomMenuLimitDesc :'Bottom menu limits top 10 items only.<br/>Items with childrens will shown without them. ', SearchEnginesDescription :'Search engines description', General :'General', DestinationDate :'Destination date', Height :'Height', OpenInNewWindow :'Open in new window', SocialSettings :'Social settings', tour_row_options_desc :'<ul><li><i class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title cc-color-orange fa fa-clone&#39; title=&#39;Duplicate row&#39;></i><u>Duplicate row - </u>duplicates the entire row including all the widgets </li><li><i class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title cc-color-blue fa fa-gear&#39; title=&#39;Settings&#39;></i><u>Settings - </u> shown only in 2.0 templates allowing you to change the width of the row)</li><li><i class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title cc-color-red fa fa-times&#39; title=&#39;Delete &#39;></i><u>Delete - </u>delete the entire row including all the widgets</li><li><i class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title cc-color-black fa fa-arrows&#39; title=&#39;Drag&#39;></i><u>Drag - </u>allows you to drag the entire row up and down including all the widgets</li></ul>', DisplaySubCategryDdl :'Display sub category drop down', ScrollImage :'Scroll image', ImageSuccessPurchase :'Media successfully purchased', Standard :'Standard', RobotsUrl :'Robots.txt url', TypeSomething :'Type something', PluginWillTryToFitInsideTheContainer :'Plugin will try to fit inside the container', NoResults :'No results', ThisActionWillDeleteThisRow :'This action will delete this row', AdvancedSettings :'Advanced settings', EnterancePopup :'Enterance popup', Vertical :'Vertical', ContactForm :'Contact form', Wobble :'נענוע לצדדים', Widget :'Widget', design_breadcrumbs :'Breadcrumbs', FillStyle :'Fill style', SiteMap :'Site map', SiteUrl :'Site url', site_template_blackboxed :'Boxed Red dark', Titles :'Titles', TheSelectedTemplate :'The selected template', Swimming :'Swimming', Rubberband :'Rubber band', LinkedinURL :'Linkedin URL', builder_defaultpage_contactus :'Contact us', Repeat :'Repeat', Remove :'Remove', Reload :'Reload', Rename :'Rename', Rotate :'Rotate', ImageRecommendedSettings :'Min Width - 170 pixel.<br/>Min Height - 128.<br/>Recommended size: 500X500 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB', DisplayIndicators :'Display indicators', Spacer :'Spacer', ChangeTemplate :'Change template', Search :'Search', Select :'Select', Social :'Social', InfoColor :'Info color', Saving :'Saving', Slider :'Slider', Slides :'Slides', Shopin :'Shopin', Daylight :'Daylight(+1 hour)', MobileImage :'Mobile image', tour_widget_options_desc :'<ul><li><i class=&#39;cc-color-green fa fa-arrow-up&#39; title=&#39;Add a new widgets above this widget&#39;></i><i class=&#39;cc-color-green fa fa-plus-square&#39; title=&#39;Add a new widgets above this widget&#39;></i><u class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title&#39;>Add a new widgets above this widget </u>-<span> you can add a new widget above this widget</span> </li><li><i class=&#39;cc-color-green fa fa-arrow-down&#39; title=&#39;Add a new widgets below this widge&#39;></i><i class=&#39;cc-color-green fa fa-plus-square&#39; title=&#39;Add a new widgets below this widge&#39;></i><u class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title&#39;>Add a new widgets below this widget</u> -<span> you can add a new widget below this widget </span></li><li><i class=&#39;cc-color-blue fa fa-gear&#39; title=&#39;Settings&#39;></i><u class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title&#39;>Settings </u> - <span>change settings such as: upload an image, edit height and general settings</span></li><li><i class=&#39;cc-color-red fa fa-times&#39; title=&#39;Delete&#39;></i><u class=&#39;cc-popover-tour-title&#39;>Delete</u> - <span>delete this widget and replace it with another widget</span></li></ul>', ImageSuccesfulyAddedToMediaGallery :'The image was successfully added to your media gallery', BottomMenu :'Bottom menu', ForSecurityReasons :'For security reasons, please login again', builder_defaultpage_aboutus :'About us', Statistics :'Statistics', SpamPreventionComponent :'Spam prevention component', WarningColorDesc :'For warning messages and alers', DefaultColorPalette :'Default color palette', Category :'Category', IntervalSecs :'Interval(sec&#39;s)', Preview :'Preview', AreYouSure :'Are you sure', TextRotatingSlider :'Text rotating slider', Product :'Product', SuccessColorDesc :'For success alerts like mail sent message on contact us', design_brand_colors :'Brand colors', design_carousel :'Carousel', DisplayPagination :'Display pagination', DisplayPhoneFieldDesc :'Display phone field at the form', LifeStyle :'Life style', Stretch0 :'Stretch', AutoPlay :'Auto play', URLsLeaveBlank :'URLs: leave blank to hide items', InfoColorDesc :'For &#34;Want this&#34; and share buttons', EmbeddedPost :'Embedded post', DisplyPauseButton :'Dispaly pause button', InActivePages :'Inactive pages', YouCanSetMultiple :'You can set multiple addresses separated by a semicolon', BgColorType :'Color', ShowPostsFromThePagesTimeline :'Show posts from the Page&#39;s timeline', AddingWidgetAboveThisWidget :'Adding widget above this widget', AddingWidgetBelowThisWidget :'Adding widget below this widget', SecondCheckBoxText :'Second checkbox text', TitleDesc :'This title is for internal use, it will appear in the mail sent to you', AdvancedColors :'Advanced colors', Contain :'Contain - keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide', Content :'Content', Columns :'Columns', FacebookEmeddesHomePage :'Facebook/Embedded home page', ChooseCategory :'Choose category', InsertBellow :'Insert new widget Bellow', TopMenu :'Top menu', ProductsTicker :'Products carousel', HideNavBtns :'Hide navigation buttons', Backgrounds :'Backgrounds', SearchEnginesKeywords :'Search engines keywords', ShowPagePosts :'Show page posts', site_template_bananahalfboxed :'Banana Gray', EnterPopupExp :'The popup will display when customer enter your site or reopen the browser', ImagesGallery :'Images gallery', MobileSlides :'Mobile slides', SuccessMessgaeDesc :'this message will be display at the form, if empty we will use our message', Homepage :'Home page', EditRibbons :'Edit product ribbons', NavigationHelp :'<i class=&#34;fa fa-shopping-cart&#34;></i> category <br /> <i class=&#34;fa fa-picture-o&#34;></i> product <br /> <i class=&#34;fa fa-file&#34;></i> CMS page <br /> <br /> all icons except <i class=&#34;fa fa-shopping-cart&#34;></i> can be dropped into items. <br /><br /> right click - delete menu <br /> Drag and drop to reorder/insert items.', design_forms :'Fforms', Effects :'Effects', UsesASmallerVersion :'Uses a smaller version of the page header', design_wells :'Wells', ResetSettings :'Reset settings', ChooseYourOwn :'Choose your own', ShowCategoriesImages :'Show categories banner', Default :'Default', AddToCart :'Add to cart', SearchEnginesTitle :'Page title', GlobalFont :'Site font', SearchEnginesKeywordsDesc :'The keywords should be in this order: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, etc... There is a limit of 250 characters to the Title. We recommend to use the maximum character (250) to maximize your promote', GoogleMap :'Google map', design_thumbnails :'Thumbnails', BakeryTemplate :'NeighborhoodBakery', FullName :'Full name', VerticalTextAlign :'Vertical text align', ToChangeColorPaletteClickOnEdit :'To change color palette click on &#34;edit&#34;', Accordion :'Accordion', HomePages :'Home pages', FancyImagesGallery :'Fancy images gallery', GooglePlusURL :'Google plus URL', OrSelectCategory :'Or select a category', MainMenu :'Main menu', PleaseWait :'Please wait', DangerColorDesc :'For error messages and alerts', site_template_boxed_green :'Full boxed Green', FirstItemOpen :'FirstItemOpen', CreditcardNotExists :'Credit card not exists or invalid', NewWindow :'New window', PageType :'Page type', PageName :'Page name', DangerColor :'Danger color', SiteProperties :'Site properties', NoResultsForTheRequestedSearch :'No results for the requested search', Divider :'Divider', AddWidget :'Add widget', HideContent :'Hide content', ThumbnailGallery :'Thumbnail gallery', Structure :'Structure', ChooseTarget :'Choose target', Spinning :'Spinning', Perfumery :'Perfumery', NoRefungBigStock :'When purchase will be done, the image will be download automatically to you media gallery.There are no refunds.', AddNewSlide :'Add new slide', AddNewImage :'Add new image', EditingTheWidget :'Editing the widget', ChooseImage :'Choose image', No :'No', Up :'Up', FacebookURL :'Facebook URL', PopularProducts :'Popular products', ZoomInDown :'Zoom in down', DisplayCategryDdl :'Display category drop down', Pallete_ccLightPurpleBlack :'Light Purple Black', CycleContinuously :'Cycle continuously', WebSiteHomePage :'Web site home page', WithoutSideNavigationMenu :'Without side navigation menu', HideCoverPhoto :'Hide cover photo', TestimonialcarouselRecommendedSettings :'Recommended image size: 114X114 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB<br/>', AccountSettings :'Account settings', LargeWillAllowYou :'Large - will allow you to add to the cart directly from the search', DropRowHere :'Drop row here', AndItsWidgets :'and it&#39;s widgets', Mobilemenu :'Mobile contact us menu', IncorrectCode :'Incorrect code. please try again', tour_left_menu_title :'תפריט שמאלי', ButtonCount :'Button count', MediaImages :'Media/Images', AreYouSureYouWantToDoThiAction :'Are you sure you want to do this action', DataNotSavedContinue :'Data not saved. continue', SizePixels :'Size(pixels)', ChooseWidget :'Choose widget', Manicure :'Manicure', ErrorUrl :'Error page url (500)', EnterAddress :'Enter address', light :'T-shirts fashion', CloseAndSwitch :'Close and switch image', pakhi :'pakhi', Add :'Add', Far :'Far', URL :'URL', Top :'Top', Row :'Row', Yes :'Yes', shake :'shake', Email :'Email', Error :'Error', RowsExplain :'<h3>Your website template is based on Rows &amp; Colom&rsquo;s.</h3><ul> <li> Into every row you can drag a Colom.</li> <li>You can add and show 1 Colom or 12 Colom in a row (depends on what you want).</li> <li>In each Colom you drag you will see the default widget.</li> <li>You can add, edit or delete the widget in every Colom.</li> <li>Colom can be added before or after each Colom.</li></ul>', Align :'Align', Aside :'Aside', Apply :'Apply', Fonts :'Fonts', Flash :'Flash', Media :'Media', Basic :'Basic', Color :'Color', Cover :'Cover - keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide', Close :'Close', Image :'Image', Items :'Items', Links :'Links', Label :'Label', Large :'Large', Jello :'Jello', Hours :'Hours', Width :'Width', Title :'Title', Theme :'Theme', Right :'Right', Swing :'Swing', Store :'Store', Small :'Small', Pulse :'Pulse', Share :'Share', Shape :'Shape', Price :'Price', Pause :'Pause', Pages :'Pages', LogoImage :'Logo image', ThisActionResetChanges :'This action will reset all design changes', PleaseSelectFile :'Please select file and than click on choode button', IconLink :'IconLink', DisplayColorAttrHint :'Display color attribute image hint on category page', ThankYouPage :'Thank you page', TestimonialCarousel :'Testimonial carousel', HideTheCoverPhotoInTheHeader :'Hide the cover photo in the header', RowWidth :'Row width', MultiplactionStep :'Multiplaction step', StartWriteYourHtmlCodeHere :'Start write your html code here', Photography :'Photography', MoreTemplates :'More templates', PinThisProduct :'Pin this product', Address :'Address', AnErrorOccurredPleaseTryAgainLater :'An error occurred, please try again later', MapLoadingFailed :'Map loading failed, please check the address. reason:', HeightPxs :'Height(px&#39;s)', MetaDescDesc :'A meta description tag is a snippet of HTML code in a web page header that summarizes the content that is on the web page. Although these pieces of text are not used for rankings, a good description can generate great traffic to your website. It should contain information that encourages the searcher to click through to your website.', LogoRecommendedSettings :'Max Width - 555 pixel.<br/>Max Height - none.<br/>Recommended size: 233X55 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB<br/>', DragWidgetUpAndDown :'Drag this widget up or down', Features :'Features', EmbedsTheTitleInsideTheImage :'Embeds the title inside the image', AboutUs :'About us', Colorful :'Colorful', Horizontal :'Horizontal', NewsletterIsRequired :'Is newsletter check is required', MaxItems :'Max items', EditNavigation :'Edit navigation', Comments :'Comments', VideoURL :'Video URL', ChooseProducts :'Choose products', FlipHorizontal :'Flip Horizontal', DisplayNewletterCbx :'Displays a check box for news and promotions', ErrorChargeCreditCard :'Error while charging your credit card. please try again', WelcomeToBuilderDesc :'To start the tour please click &#34;Next&#34;.', IsHomepage :'Is this page is Homepage', BuyMedia :'Buy a media', Explain :'Explain', CashCowSiteBuilder :'Website Builder', DeletingTheWidget :'Deleting the widget', YouCanSetRowsAndWidgets :'You can set rows and widgets only on content pages. This is a system page and this option does not exist', EnterCreditCard :'Enter credit card', LinkColor :'Link color', PhoneDisplay :'Phone display', ThePixelWidthOfTheEmbed :'The pixel width of the embed (Min. 180 to Max. 500). To keep the site mobile responsive use 300 px max', IncludeShareButton :'Include share button', TextScroller :'Text scroller', ThisIsAResponsiveTemplate :'This is a responsive template.<br/>To change colors, add new pages and more settings click on &#34;edit&#34;', SliderSlideAtLeast :'Widget must have at least one item ', NotFoundUrl :'Not found page url (404)', FullWidth :'Full width', Purchase :'Purchase', BuyanImage :'Buy an Image', RoundedCorners :'Rounded corners', InsertAbove :'Insert new widget above', SizeRelevant :'Size(relevant for button type)', Settings :'Settings', TouchSliderRecommendedSettings :'All images must be the same size!Recommended size: 530X310 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB<br/>', SearchEnginesResultsPreview :'Search engines results preview', DisplayTotalCartPrice :'Display total cart price', SelectedProducts :'Selected products', linkToTheLastEditedPage :'link to the last edited page', DisplayLabelsDesc :'Display labels next to the inputs', IsEmailRequiredFieldDesc :'If checked the email field is required', ExtraSmall :'Extra small', ExtraLarge :'Extra large', SuccessMessgae :'Success messgae', containForLargeImage :'Contain for large image and actual size for small image', PinProducts :'Pin products', DownloadInvoice :'Download invoice', design_jumbotron :'Jumbotron', ExistsInBottomMenu :'Exists in bottom menu', BrandsCarousel :'Brands carousel', ShowPlayerControls :'Show player controls', ExistsInMainMenu :'Exists in main menu', Regular1 :'Regular', Regular0 :'Regular', design_headings :'Headings', ReplaceWith :'Replace with', AllCategories :'All categories', tour_widget_desc :'This is a widget.<br/>There are many types of widgets, such as Photo Gallery, Slideshow and more <br/>You can add a widgets only inside columns, to each column can be added only one widget <br/>In addition, you can add a widget above or below another widget, each widget has its own settings <br/>', YoutubeURL :'Youtube URL', ChargeText :'Charge your credit card whose number ends in', SpaceBetweenImages :'Space between images', DisplayLabels :'Display labels', InProgress :'In progress', ClickHere :'Click here', ShowSubCategories :'Show sub categories links on category page', ShowFriendsFaces :'Show friends faces', SeoChecker :'Seo checker', TiktokURL :'Tiktok URL', Width100 :'100% width', ShowProfilePhotos :'Show profile photos when friends like this', ProductsSearchBox :'Products search box', RecommendedSettings :'Image recommended sizes', Pallete_ccBGrayBlack :'Basic Gray Black', DuplicateRow :'Duplicate row', HtmlCode :'Html code', design_tabs :'Tabs', AlternateText :'Alternate text', ChoosePage :'Choose page', ChooseIcon :'Choose icon', BagsTemplate :'Online Bags', SocialNetworksImagePreview :'Social networks image preview ', tour_right_menu_desc :'כפתור שמור - לשמירת תוכן האתר<br/>צפיייה באתר - מעבר לאתר<br/>תצוגה מקדימה - הצגת תצוגה מקדימה של האתר ללא צורך בשמירה<br/>גלריית תמונות - צפייה והוספת תמונות<br/>קישורים - הצגת קישורי האתר כגון דף 404 וכו<br/>', SavedSuccessfully :'Saved successfully', ConnectLinks :'Connect to Facebook and more links', IsActive :'Is active', Minutes :'Minutes', StopOnHover :'Stop on hover', IsEmailRequiredField :'Is Email required', EnterName :'Enter name', NumOfItemsDisplay :'Num of items to display', ButtonText :'Button text', ButtonLink :'Button / Link', WithSideNavigationMenu :'With side navigation menu', ClickOnWidgetToAdd :'Click on widget cube to add to page', CaptionDisplayOnThumbnails :'Caption display on thumbnails', PageAddress :'Page address', ThisAddressAlreadyExists :'This address already exists', ProductsGallery :'Products gallery', HorizontalTextAlign :'Horizontal text align', EditPage :'Edit page', FilterByCategories :'Filter by categories', ActionType :'Action type', modderm :'modern', EditPageSettings :'Edit page settings', CurrentWidth :'Natural width', SelectedSubCategory :'default sub category', ItemsInRow :'Items in row', BounceRight :'Bounce right', NumberOfPosts :'Number of Posts', DisplayMainTitle :'Display main title', AlternateTextForTheImage :'Alternate text for the image, if the image cannot be displayed', site_template_goldboxed :'Boxed golden', MyTemplate :'My template', FacebookEmbeddedNavigationMenuTitle :'Facebook/Embedded layout', TextColorSelectedItem :'Selected item text color', ViewContent :'View content', FixedWidth :'Fixed width', ImagesCarousel :'Images carousel', IconPosition :'Icon position', RepeatX :'Width repeat', RepeatY :'Height repeat', SelectedCategory :'default category', FormHighlight :'Form highlight', TouchImagesCarousel :'Images carousel', Regular :'Regular', BounceDown :'Bounce down', BounceLeft :'Bounce left', SearchEnginesDescriptionDesc :'This description(meta description) will be display at the search engine results. There is a limit of 150 characters to the Description. We recommend to use the maximum character (150) to maximize your promote.', GrayBase :'Default color', BlackWhiteFashion :'Black & White Fashion', Loading :'Loading', MobilemenuExp :'This menu will be displayed on the bottom of the screen only on mobile phonesAllows you to display quick launch buttons. If you do not want to display a particular field, leave it blank', NavigateToPage :'Navigate to edit page', tour_rows_desc :'', medicine :'medicine', ActivePages :'Active pages', ActualSize :'Actual size - will show the actual image size inside the slide', SiteAddress :'Site address', ThereAreNoProductsInYourStore :'There are no products in your store', SuccessColor :'Success color', rolling :'rolling', SiteActive :'Site active', TwitterURL :'Twitter URL', SiteBackgroundImage :'Site background image', FlippingAndRotating :'Flipping and Rotating', design_list_group :'List group', FacebookPreviewRecommendedSettings :'best display:<br/>1200 x 630 pixels<br/>display with larger images:<br/>600 x 315 pixels<br/>minimum image size:<br/>200 x 200 pixels<br/>', SiteNavigationMenuTitle :'Site layout', ThumbnailGalleryRecommendedSettings :'Recommended size: 1200X900 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB<br/><b>Make sure that all the images will be of the same size, otherwise the images will not display correctly</ b> <br/>', Feature :'Feature', PageAdvancedSettings :'Page advanced settings', YouTubeId :'Youtube video ID', SelectAnItemToAddToMenu :'Choose an item to add to menu', HeadingsColor :'Headings color', SuperMarket :'SuperMarket', EffectType :'Effect type', design_navigation_bar :'Navigations', Pallete_ccYellowGray :'Banana Yellow Gray', Musical_Instruments :'Musical Instruments', Recommend :'Recommend', WazeAddress :'Waze address', Description :'Description', MetaKeywordsDesc :'Meta Keywords are comma separated words that describe the context of a web page in short one or two word phrases. note that serach engines do not use keywords when considering your website&#39;s ranking in search results.', slideDown :'slide down', PleaseChooseIcon :'Please choose icon', design_others :'Other', tour_left_menu_desc :'הגדרות - איזור זה מאפשר הגדרת לוגו, favicon, דף בית, גוגל אנליטיקס ועוד<br/>דפים - הוספת ועדכון דפים, הגדרות תפריטים<br/>עיצוב - הגדרות צבעים, רקעים, גופנים ועריכת html/css<br/>רכיבים - הוספת שורות, לשורות ניתן להוסיף רכיבים<br/>', EmailSubmissionsTo :'Email submissions to', DisplayTotalPriceOnCartIcon :'Display total price on cart icon', CommentsA :'Comments', ResetAllDesignSettings :'Reset all design settings', SubTitle :'Sub title', PrimaryColorDesc :'Primary color for buttons and texts', fadeInUp :'Fade in up', PageSuccessfullyDuplicated :'Page successfully duplicated', ResetAllDesignSettingsText :'This action will reset all design settings permanently and this page will be reloaded after the reset proccess will finish. are you sure?', Ribbons :'Product ribbons', design_labels :'Labels', BoxCount :'Box count', ThereAreErrorsInTheCompatibility :'There are errors in the compatibility of your site in search engines, click to view them', ThePixelWidthOfThePlugin :'The pixel width of the plugin', LeaveThisFieldBlank :'Leave this field blank to keep your site mobile responsive and make sure the sizes are equal for all the images', SocialIcons :'Social icons', EMBEDCODE :'EMBED CODE', SiteSaving :'Site saving', SaveOrder :'Save order', BackgroundDisplay :'Background display', Luxury_Watches :'Luxury Watches', BgColorSelectedItem :'Selected item background color', fashion_mania :'Fashion Mania', design_alerts :'Alerts', SystemMessage :'System message', DisplayType :'Display type', DisplayCart :'Display shopping cart', bigshope :'Big Shope', SeparatorTitle :'Separator title', ShowSuggestedVideos :'Show suggested videos when the video finishes', BackToPagesList :'Back to pages list', PageTitleDesc :'The page title is laid out in HTML code and appears in the title bar of the browser. Search engines display page titles in their search results. In addition, search engines use page titles in order to recognize what information the website contains. Ideally page titles should include the search term for which the website has been optimized.', ExistsInTopMenu :'Exists in top menu', Newsletterform :'Newsletter form', NewsletterText :'Newsletter text', EmailDisplay :'Email display', ThisTableAllowsYouToCheck :'This table allows you to check what level your site optimized for search engines<br/>By clicking on the question mark at the top of the columns you can view the explanation about the various fields<br/>An explanation of how to update and correct the issues , <a target=&#34;_blank&#34; href=&#34;;>Click here</a>', DevicesPreview :'Devices preview', DetailsAndPurchase :'Details and purchase', CountDown :'Countdown', Attention :'Attention', UseSmallHeader :'Use small header', LinkToYourPublishedPage :'Link to your published page', builder_defaultpage_features :'Features', FirstNameDisplay :'First name display', SliderRecommendedSettings :'Max Width - 1200 pixel.<br/>Max Height - none.<br/>Recommended size: 1200X400 pixel.<br/>Max file size: 700 KB<br/>', FavIconRecommendedSettings :'Width - 16 pixel.<br/>Height - 16 pixel.<br/>', WidgetsExplain :'<h3>&nbsp;</h3><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;><strong style=&#34;line-height: 1.1; background-color: transparent;&#34;><span style=&#34;color:#000000;&#34;>Rows</span></strong><br /><br />&nbsp;</div><h3 style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</h3><h3 style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</h3><h3 style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</h3><h3 style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;><strong><font color=&#34;#000000&#34;>Widgets</font></strong></div><h3 style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</h3><p style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</p><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;><strong style=&#34;line-height: 1.42857143; background-color: transparent;&#34;>Widgets can be shown only inside a colom.</strong><br />To add a widget (for example a form):<br /><br />1. Drag a Row&nbsp;from the rigth menu (Rows) to the middle of the page (the editor).<br /><br />2. Inside the colom you will see the defualte widget.<br /><br />3. You can add a new widget by clicking the <strong><span style=&#34;color:#008000;&#34;>green + icon</span></strong> and choose from the widget list.<br /><br />4. Edit the widget by clicking the gear icon (settings).<br /><br />&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><div style=&#34;direction: ltr; text-align: justify;&#34;>&nbsp;</div><p>&nbsp;</p>', FacebookPageURL :'Facebook page URL', WelcomeToBuilder :'Welcome to the website editor', DefaultColor :'Default color', YoutubeVideo :'Youtube video', NewProducts :'New products', SearchEnginesTitleDesc :'This title will be display at the search engine results', DisplayMultiplactionOnProductsPage :'Display multiplaction on products page', builder_defaultpage_home :'Home', builder_defaultpage_blog :'Blog', Edit :'Edit', Auto :'Automatic', Font :'Font', Flip :'Flip', Dark :'Dark', Date :'Date', Days :'Days', Done :'Done', Drag :'Drag', BAGS :'Fashion bags', More :'More', BLOG :'Blog', Back :'Back', Icon :'Icon', None :'None', Name :'Name', Next :'Next', Like :'Like', Link :'Link', Logo :'Logo', Left :'Left', Type :'Type', Tabs :'Tabs', Tada :'Tada', Text :'Text', Rows :'Rows', Seen :'Seen', Send :'Send', Save :'Save', Skip :'Skip', Size :'Size', Page :'Page', Play :'Play', Zoom :'Zoom', TotalCartPriceWithoutShipping :'Display total cart without shipping price', MainTitle :'Main title', ClickHereForFullScreenView :'Click here for Full Screen View ', }